Friday, January 15, 2016

Staging Logs at Perdido

River Resources owner - LD Henderson -- is shown here with some of the early log removals from the Perdido.  The Perdido is on the border of Florida and Alabama.  Over a year of negotiations, certifications, license approval and government and private coordination was required to reach this point.  There are many different markets for the various selections of the trees. Mr. Henderson is working with buyers from several different end-use markets.  FOR MORE PHOTOS THIS DAY - CLICK.

 While the Perdido River at Ruby's Fish Camp on Highway 90  is the initial effort.  Other take-out locations are already in line for the next phase.

Buyers will have a good supply to choose from. Some buyers will want the whole log. Others will want "CANTS" which are pre-sawed 10x10 rough cuts. Some will want pre-cut lumber.

Henderson is prepared to address these markets and even the decorative architect market for the rough - driftwood look.
 While some of the wood has blemishes -
it does not reduce the market.  There are also markets for the blemished wood because of the interesting patterns and artistic opportunities.
River Resources also takes the stumps when reasonable to do so.  These have markets of their own, from decorative driftwood to furniture making in the "wild" style.

Environmentalists will be happy to know there will be plenty of wild-fall left in the rivers for fish cover and bank protection. After big storms like IVAN (the terrible) the useful wild-fall for natural river biology is exceeded by a thousand percent.

This shot looks past the staging area for stumps and driftwood down to the landing near Ruby's. The property here is County owned. It is next to the new recreational boat ramps off Hwy 90, being installed by Escambia County. In a few days, water levels permitting - the Railroad Trestle at Barrineau Park will be addressed.

More logs were added the next week.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Perdido From The Air

We had a chance to do some aerial recon of several rivers just after the big late 2015 rain. The longer rivers were still swollen quite a bit but some logjams do show up. The Perdido is a fast draining river, with less watershed, so it returns to normal stage fairly quickly. The logjams are evident in the photos.  An agreement with Escambia County, FL and Ruby's Fish Camp allow for some critical log removal near the Hwy 90 bridge into Alabama.

We want to thank The County for helping us get the necessary permits and landing agreements in place for the public lands. A new landing and park area is being developed there by the county and we are using a bit of land away from the new public area but near Ruby's Fish camp for the log removal.  We also want to thank Ruby's Fish Camp for the smooth cooperation to make this process go smoothly.  There were some delays from the rain but this landing and other landings on this river will soon be in use to take out logs.

We are also appreciative of the Blue Knights chapter in Milton, Florida - who provided a flight gift certificate to use from the AMS Flight School.