Friday, December 11, 2015

Bringing in the Sheaves

LD Henderson harvesting from logjams 
Bringing Logs to market. uses a workboat, some chainsaws and about sixty five million permits and registrations to harvest wildfall, logjams and deadheads from some of the pristine rivers of NW Florida and Alabama. Most of the work is manual to avoid a lot of machinery and industrial clutter. This work, because of the environmental and natural resource issues is highly regulated. LD Henderson of River Resources  is one of the few with the persistence to follow through with all the permitting.  You will find more pictures of riverlogging AT THIS LINK.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The River Giveth

It has been a few months of serious scrappy work to get certified, registered and permitted for a number of river operations. DEP and Natural Resource regulations require the most professional approach to gain access to rivers. Some of the last hurdles of agreements for take-out points will settle this week.  As the weather improves for these operations, our teams are coming together for intense harvesting of Juniper and other wild-fall in these pristine rivers.  AT THIS POINT we are PULLING logs from one river and others are in the process of proper permitting. This RIVER LOGGER is bringing timber to the market for the most discerning buyers.  Look for some beautiful posts of Juniper and other wood varieties soon.
LD Henderson - River Logger

Thousand of logs clog the rivers from use by the public